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Cora Wilson Birthday Fundraiser

A personal campaign sponsored by Stacey Wilson

May 29, 2024


Kicking off on Cora's 11th birthday, we are raising money for the Thyroid Center at CHOP this summer in honor of the amazing team of doctors, nurses, psychologists and child life specialists who came into our lives last August and have made all the difference in getting Cora through a battle no child should ever have to face.  Below is a glimpse of her story.  These funds can help other kids in the future by supporting the CHOP team as they improve treatment and understanding this rare pediatric condition.    

In August of 2023, after several months of an unexplained cough and a growing lump in Cora's neck, we were referred to the Pediatric Thyroid Center at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia where she was diagnosed with Papillary Thyroid Cancer.  Very uncommon in children, we immediately knew the amazing team at CHOP led by Dr. Bauer would be just what she needed to see her through this unexpected journey.  CT scans showed the tumor had already spread to her lymph nodes and lungs but Cora has been a fighter throughout these many months, including a major surgery in November to remove her thyroid and surrounding lymph nodes.  We learned in January that she was a candidate for a new clinical study which combines a specialty NTRK-fusion drug (an oral form of chemotherapy with fewer side-effects) with traditional radioactive iodine therapy to hopefully improve overall efficacy of both treatments.  She began this next phase of her treatment in February overseen by Dr. Laetsch and his team in the Advanced Pediatrics Thyroid Cancer Therapeutics Clinic at CHOP.   When the 6 month course of medication is complete she will undergo radioactive iodine therapy in August, exactly one year from original diagnosis.  

While fighting cancer, Cora was able to return to school and to her beloved sport of gymnastics in January.  Incredibly she recently won first place all around in her division and age group at the YMCA NJ state championship!  She inspires all of us with her strength and bravery and in honor of her 11th birthday in May and through to her treatment culmination in August, we are asking friends and family to help give back to the amazing care team who is seeing her through this challenge - always with a smile on their faces and a cartwheel down the hallway from Cora.  

Thank you for your support.

Stacey & Todd Wilson