Platelet disorders are rare bleeding disorders. They can be something a person is born with, or come on suddenly, changing the course of a person's life in just a day: one day you are fine and the next day you are covered in bruises and bleeding. It can be scary and hard to find answers.
The platelet disorder program at CHOP is here to help. Our team of specialized doctors, nurses, social workers, psychologist, child life specialists and genetic counselors are all here to help your family understand all the new information and make the best treatment decisions for your child and your family.
Go Purple for Platelets celebrates National ITP (Immune Thrombocytopenia) Awareness month (September) and supports the social work fund and patient/family events for the pediatric platelet disorder program. Part of the funds (up to 50% of a successful campaign) will be donated to the Platelet Disorder Support Association (PDSA), a national patient support association.
Fundraising efforts will be ongoing all month long. And on September 29, 2024, join us for the first (hopefully annual event for CHOP), "Pump it up for Platelets" event at Orange Theory in Ardmore. A special 90 minute workout will combine the energy of high intensity interval training with all the purple we can muster! Class is at 10:45 am. Register for the class with OTF in Ardmore.
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