The Ross K. MacNeill Fund
The Ross K. MacNeill Fund is the legacy of our Foundation of 11 years. Upon learning there was nothing more clinically that could be done for him, after a 4-year battle with Medulloblastoma, Ross asked his family to promise "not to let another child go through what I went through". Established in 2013, The Ross K. MacNeill Foundation was that promise kept. Its mission was to raise money for research and awareness for the diagnosis, closing on December 31, 2024, upon raising $4.95M.
Ross' Impact
Ross was always a happy, positive, cheerful person. That continued throughout his cancer therapy. He taught so many of us what it meant to be grateful for what you have, especially your health. He also taught us to care for others over ourselves. One of the most amazing memories we carry with us is watching Ross continue to play hockey, even following 2 brain surgeries and 4 returning brain tumors. The courage to step on the ice for a game, skate following chemotherapy, and play when your body is already in the most difficult battle a 7-8-9-10-year-old could face was a lasting lesson for all of us. His soul touched us, and he asked us to care for others diagnosed like him. This is the least we can do.
R33M has been privileged to contribute to advancing the incredible work of researchers, scientists, physicians, and all practitioners in pediatric brain cancer research. The tireless work of thousands of individuals dedicating their academic and professional lives to solving the mysteries of childhood brain cancer to give diagnosed children the longest, most healthy lives possible is an admirable calling. Unfortunately, their work is not given the support it needs to accomplish everything required to stop the devastating outcomes many children realize. This is why the mission of R33M was devoted to raising awareness and money for pediatric brain cancer research. It is the only way outcomes will change. The continuing work of R33M resides here.
We have been glad to carry this work on our shoulders and proud it now resides here because
- We must be relentlessly devoted
- We must be tireless in our pursuit
- Because we are humbled to be healthy.
This work is a privilege to support. Please share all you can here.
With our thanks.

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