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The Remy Foundation

A personal campaign sponsored by Brendyn Dornich


 It will be impossible to not feel tremendous grief and we will forever wish we had more time with him before he moved on to a more peaceful place. Despite Remy’s brief stay, here in person, he has been the single greatest addition to our lives and the greatest teacher we have ever had. The purpose of the Remy Foundation is to celebrate him, his sweet personality, and unrelenting will to survive. All donations to The Remy Foundation will benefit research in breakthrough medical advancements related to treating chronic lung disease. All donations will go directly into CHOP’s Chronic Lung Fund. The link below will redirect you to a donation page managed by CHOP which is a secure network and already has the payment system in place.
Through this experience, Becca and I have become very aware of how precious life can be. Many children are afflicted by a variety of issues and there are countless needs and ways one can contribute to patients and their families who are going through a similar hardship that we have had to endure. Chronic lung disease is the issue that resonates most with us. It took our son’s life and is the most common issue and one of the leading causes of death for premature infants- impacting roughly 25% of all preemies (<37 weeks). We want our efforts to help support remedies that ameliorate or alleviate the root cause and underlying issues which we believe will have the greatest long-term impact.

Other options for donation that are near and dear to us include the Ronald McDonald House, which enabled us to be live blocks from the hospital and be with our son around the clock without the financial burden. Many others are turned away from the Ronald McDonald house due to limited capacity. These families could use financial support for travel, accommodations, and even meals. All we ask is that kindness and generosity continues to be expressed on behalf of Remy. If you feel more drawn to donating to the Ronald McDonald House or to Patient Family Expenses or even volunteering your time to a good cause please do so and know that it is the best way to show/share your love with Becca and I.

Please follow the links below to donate:
The Remy Foundation:
Click "Donate" above

Ronald McDonald House: 

Patient Family Expenses: