On September 14, 2020 (16 years old) while attending marching band practice, I experienced Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA). There was no warning, and I had no prior health issues. Thanks to the quick action of the staff present, my life was saved. I received CPR as well as a shock from an AED and now I am on the road to recovery.
I spent over 3 weeks at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and I am so thankful for the care I received there. I am starting this fundraiser because I want to give back to the cardiac doctors and nurses who took such good care of me.
This money will go directly to the cardiac unit to support Youth Heart Watch - A program that helps purchase AEDs for schools in Pennsylvania.
Thank you so much for your support! Thanks to so many generous donations I reached my initial goal! Let’s keep going!!!!
- $1,450 can purchase a new AED
- $400 can purchase a new battery
- $300 can cover the cost for someone to get trained as a CPR/AED instructor who can then go on to train countless other people
- $100 can purchase a new set of pediatric pads
- $50 can purchase a new set of adult pads
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