Lucy Boyd profile picture

Lucy Boyd

2025 Naz-A-Thon



           I hope you will consider supporting my participation in this event. Any donation helps and all contributions will benefit Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

         Last year I made my goal of $250 for the kids, but this year I want to surpass my goal! This event means a lot to me because I want to be able to make it a little easier for anyone going through a hard time. I want to be able to help the children at CHOP. Your small or large contribution makes a HUGE impact. Whatever you give truly makes a difference. Just remember “Great things are done by a series of small things brought together”- Van Gogh. I hope you will help me raise money for the kids!

          Donating is safe and easy! To make a donation please click the "Support This Participant" button on this page.

 Thank you for visiting my fundraising page!

As always 4TK 🫶🏻💜!