Eating all the carbs of our 1000 keto kids ! The cupcakes were 3;1 and 4;1 ratio
Dear friends,
At the end of the summer we have started 1000 children on ketogenic diet therapies! A milestone in the history of our program which began with just 2 patients.
Of course you knew your child is 1;1000. The cake is gone, but you can recreate this celebration at home. The keto cup cake recipe is on our website and cook book, and T-shirts are still available in both children's and adult sizes. Contact our keto nurse Meghan Walker for an order The shirts are $25 each. Payment via venmo @Ketogenic-Diet-Program, please include your size, or cash at your visit. Pick up at your next visit.
I am so proud of what we have accomplished this year. The cooking classes are hybrid version both virtual and in person. Our research team has developed more delicious recipes. They are available on our website or in our cookbook. CHOP Ketogenic Diet Cook Book
The ketogenic diet manual is available in an updated in its 6th Edition ask for a free copy at your next visit. For those of you who were using microlipids it is no longer available but we created a home made oil emulsion to replace it! An examples of what we have done this year.
Brandon Kopp, one of our 1000 keto patients have written a children's story about how it is to be on the ketogenic diet. Krazy For Keto Its a wonderful story, that can help many children who are placed on dietary therapies.
I am so thankful for how our community support our program.
None of the above would have been possible without the support of your generous donations. Will you please help us again? The kitchen was built with your donations ranging from $5-$20,000. Remember to check if your employer will match your contribution, CHOP is a non-profit organization. To speak to our development office, contact Neurology development officers Freddie Marianacci at or Alyssa Esteen, or donate directly at the site ABOVE.
Happy Holidays, Dr B
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