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Keeping it Renal

2024 31-Day Challenge

For the month of May, we are participating in the 31-Day Challenge at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). We've pledged to get active for 31 days to support cutting-edge research and care here in the Division of Nephrology!

Why Are The Kidneys So Important?

Your kidneys may be small, but they do a lot of work! Your kidneys remove waste and excess fluid from your body by filtering your blood. They clean about 52 gallons of blood every day. They also help keep your blood pressure at a normal level.

Kidney disease is a condition in which the kidneys are damaged and can’t filter the blood the way they should. This damage can cause wastes and fluid to build up in the body. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) develops slowly over a long period of time—usually months to years. CKD may gradually lead to kidney failure. Kidney failure means a person will most likely need a kidney transplant or dialysis.

Why We Participate

It's important for our kidneys to be healthy--and it's important for us to be healthy, too! That's why we're walking, running, and biking together for the next 31 days for this amazing cause. 

Our division has seen firsthand the power of philanthropy—from supporting clinical care, training the next generation of clinicians, to fueling cutting edge research. Our team has come together to raise support for our mission through the 31-Day Challenge, and we are proud to show our personal support for the work we represent each and every day at CHOP! 

How You Can Help

There are a few ways you can help:

  1. Pick your favorite staff member or clinician from Nephrology, and show them some love by making a gift to their page!
  2. Make a gift to our team, “Keeping it Renal,” (get it?) and help us to show the wider CHOP community why kidney health matters!
  3. Grab your running shoes and join us! Click the “join our team” button at the top of this page to register. Note: when registering, make sure to select that you would like donations made to your page to support Nephrology.

We thank everyone who has joined us for the 31-Day Challenge. Together, we will continue our work to improve the health & lives of children with kidney disease.  


Team Members