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Walking for Firearm Safety

2024 31-Day Challenge

Safe firearm storage dramatically reduces the risk of youth suicide and unintentional shootings -- but unfortunately less than half of firearm owners store every weapon locked, unloaded and separate from the ammunition. This is why the CHOP Center for Violence Prevention's Gun Safety Program is working hard to integrate safe storage education and gun cable lock distribution into pediatric care. We also distribute gun locking devices at community events where our patients and families live and spend time.  Safety is our wheelhouse as pediatricians, and we find that families are more than accepting of this guidance. 

This May, we'll be clocking our mileage to raise funds for CVP's Gun Safety Program. The Gun Safety Program has given out thousands of locks and the need is expanding every day! Your support will make a tangible difference -- 100% of funds raised through the 31 Day Challenge will be used to purchase gun cable locks. Please consider supporting our team with a tax-deductible donation.

Firearms are the leading cause of death for children, and over a third of youth firearm deaths are from suicide and unintentional shootings. We can make a difference by ensuring every firearm is stored locked, unloaded, and separate from the ammunition.

Thank you so much for your support!


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