Hi! My name is Connor.  When I was 3 years old I was diagnosed with VEOIBD/UC.  I spend a lot of time at CHOP.  My parents take the 2 hour trip with me often.  Sometimes we have to stay at the hospital for a few days.  I don’t like being away from home/my siblings and sometimes I get nervous for my appointments.  The cool thing about CHOP is that they have some of the best doctors in the world treating patients – making them feel safe and comfortable all while working toward finding a cure for this disease. My family and I wanted to be a part of Walk for Hope because 100% of the proceeds fund inflammatory bowel disease research and care for children at CHOP -- our home away from home that has done so much for me. This is where we need your help!

I am raising money and getting active to help create hope for children with IBD. Join me on the journey for a cure!

Why Should You Join?

  • IBD is growing at a rapid speed: Inflammatory bowel disease is the fastest-growing autoimmune disorder in children younger than age 5.
  • Too many kids are suffering: Each year, the Center for Pediatric IBD at CHOP treats more than 1,800 young patients who suffer from abdominal pain, intestinal inflammation and other symptoms of this often-debilitating disease.
  • Breakthroughs need funding: The past few years have produced an explosion of knowledge about the genetics of IBD and expanded treatment options. Today, expert gastroenterologists, geneticists and researchers work together to evaluate each child’s DNA and microbiome with the goal of developing truly personalized medicine. Walk for Hope funds these discoveries – taking us one step closer to a cure.

How Can You Help?

Join Connor's Crew on Sunday, June 9th or donate today and help change the lives of children with IBD.

Thank you!


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